Adventure in Kauai

Loretta and I recently went on an adventure in Kauai with my biological father, step-mother, and their electrician friend. It has been a few years since I met my father for the first time, and we are still getting to know each other. We stayed at the Waimea Plantation Cottages on the West side of the island. The cottages were cute . They had just the right amount of rustic to make it feel homey.  We cooked yummy food, played Boggle on the porch, and nearly all injured ourselves playing volley ball on the beach there.

A highlight of our trip was the 17km Awa’ awapuhi – Nu’alolo loop. We decided to jog the first half. At one point, we encountered pig hunters with a pack of 15 or so dogs that looked at me as though I were a wild pig. Some wild goats ran across our path. We hit a section of washed out trail that was about a foot wide. It was super sketchy, and sloped toward the big drop off. My father and step-mother turned around at that point. Loretta and I adventured on. We were so tired by the end that we could barely walk, and I had doubts about our ability to finish the hike. Overall, the views were amazing, the trail was fun and full of life, and it was a hike I will never forget.

One funny little thing about Kauai is that there are chickens and roosters running loose over the entire island. The sounds of chickens is everywhere.

Another fun fact – the Oaho International Airport seemed more like a deserted outpost from the 1960’s or 70’s than a functioning airport.  See TSA officer sleeping in front of a fan.

We had a great adventure in Kauai. I hope to come back soon.


  1. Hans Friedrich says:

    Love the super shallow depth of field on some of these shots (wild boar piglet in particular), beautiful representation of the island. Did you have a favorite lens on the trip?

    1. I shot mostly with my 35-70 2.8, but the piglet shot were done with my 50mm 1.4 (which I really love). When shooting with the 50mm, I usually shoot at f2 for nice lens performance and sexy depth of field.

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